Sam Gorewitz
Vice President, Marketing & Branding
Sam brings to Wonderfilm an extensive career in product marketing and branding. For over 20 years he has helped develop brands in the direct response/direct to consumer space. Working with industry leading companies like Digital Target Marketing/Ignite-Tek and Direct Mail.IO, Sam worked on brands like Flex Seal, Snuggie, Copper Fit, Flawless Beauty and Zevo Sam brings with him a vast understanding of E-Commerce covering all aspects of digital and social ad marketing as well as artificial intelligence technology. Sam’s ability to integrate innovative technology into the build and launch phases of new brands has repeatedly increased revenue streams for his clients. Sam will utilize years of experience in the direct response arena for short form spots/infomercials/shopping networks and drive to retail television campaigns. His proven track record covers specific product verticals (Beauty/Skin Care/Pets/Kids/Toys/DIY/Housewares/Kitchen/Nutraceutical/Fitness and more) Sam will use these skills to facilitate both celebrity and non-celebrity brands to become household names.
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